How to earn money online

Innovation and technology has brought significant change in peoples life. Now the time has been changed, its not like that when it is used to be like before 10 or 20 years. Every one in todays life want to become successful at its own that too with the help of technology and advancement.

 Almost every person in the world right now want to make money online using different platforms. It has become a need of a life in todays modern world. Also in the times of coronavirus when the whole world was closed every body looked towards working online and making online by doing different jobs or whatever the required method is. 

Now I am going to tell you about worlds top 5 platforms/methods/websites or whatever you call it in your sense. I would be talking about top 5 best methods of making money online just by sitting at home. In some cases you should have some sort of skills and some don't. So here I am going to discuss each one separately. 


Youtube is one of the best methods of earning money online while you just sit at home. You do not need to do anything except making quality videos. You should have some editing skills for better impression. The content is also very important that you choose, you should be choosing that category in which you are good. That content to which you are passionate about, you love doing that work, I mean turn your passion into money. I hope you get it what I am trying to say. 

I will suggest here some of the best content categories that you can compare with your passion and choose one of that from it. I am saying again and again that you should be very careful about choosing the right content. Because choosing right content means you are going to make a lot of money online from that. So some of the content categories that you can create are

-Reaction videos
-Gaming videos
-Teaching channel
-Cooking videos

These are some of the top categories that you can select. 


Blogging is also one of the best online money making method. I personally love blogging and I am also a blogger because I do blogging. Most of the people of the world are earning huge amount of money by blogging that is you just have to write some quality content. If you are a student and you are busy with your studies you can post for 2 or 3 times a week only and you can earn good amount of money online by working at home in your free time. 

Why I like blogging is because it generates huge amount of revenue for you. I mean when your website or blog is monetized google will serve ads on your websites and whenever someone visits your website when he see only ad without even clicking on it, you get the money. On each impression you can earn $0.20 or even $1 per click. That means if you bring 10,000 visitors a month to your website you can easily earn about $1000 dollars a month. And believe me many people are making even $10,000 of dollars monthly. 

So the choice is yours bring out your knowledge, your passion and that thing at you are good at. Then write it and publish it and bring some traffic to your site so the adsense can enable ads on your site for your revenue. You can create a good blog or site by following websites



Freelancing is the most widely used method of earning money online from home. In freelancing basically you require some good skills to get success in this field. Many people are working on freelancing websites and earning $1000 of dollars working at home just few hours a week. If you have any skill at which you are absolutely perfect utilize that skill in the platform of freelancing and make money online.

I can also tell you about some easy ways that do not even require any skills in freelancing. Those skills are like removing background from pictures, you could publish a gig about removing backgrounds from 20 images for $5 and people there doing it easily and a lot. Or you can find instagram influencers for niche brands or companies that don't have time to find itself they search for that service on freelancing site. So these two methods are widely being used in freelancing websites. 

Now I am going to tell you about some freelancing websites that you can use to earn money online from working home.
-the creative group

4.Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the most widely used and one of the easy methods of making money online from working home just a few hours a week. Basically what you have to do in affiliate marketing, you just have to promote the products of certain brands or companies around the world. You get high amount of commission per sale that you generate. 

In my personal point of view affiliate marketing is the best and easy method for earning money online. Because it is not more stressful as other online money making methods are. If you have a youtube channel, facebook page or a blog or a website that have good amount of traffic on it. You can earn $1000 of dollars or even more by working from home just few hours.

Some of the most famous and widely recognized affiliate programs are 

-Amazon Affiliate Program
-eBay partners
-Solvid affiliate program

5.Online Teaching

Online teaching is also a very good method of earning money online working from home. If you are qualified teacher or you have specific skill in which you are master you can teach that to others for money. Online classes or recorded lectures are a good source of providing your knowledge with others. Many people around the world are using this great online earning method to make good amount of money.

You could also sell your full video recorded tutorials. For example if you are good at adobe photoshop or editing like skills you can sell your tutorials in which you have explained everything about the specific course. 

If you are brilliant in Physics area you could apply for the job of physics teacher online or to the website that is looking for an online physics tutor. 

Some of the great online teaching platforms from where you could earn good amount of money are
-My Private Tutor
-Chegg Tutors

I hope you would like these methods of earning money online and my article would cast a spell on you so could start earning money online from one of the methods above mentioned.